Home > Workplex COVID-19 – Workplace Safety Plan
Workplex has implemented a COVID-19 Safe Plan for all staff and members to comply with whilst using the Workplex facility until further notice. This Plan may be updated according to government advice.
Keeping staff and members informed:
Workplex will closely monitor the advice given by the World Health Organisation,[1] WorkSafe Victoria,[2] SafeWork Australia,[3] Business Victoria[4] and Department of Health and Human Services[5] and adapt our practices to ensure we are complaint with all government regulations.
Workplex will maintain regular and proactive communication with members and staff so that everyone using the facility is aware of what we are doing to create a COVID safe environment.
Hygiene and masks:
According to current State regulations, it is not essential to wear masks indoors at Workplex at this time, however please carry a face mask with you and use if you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms.
Hand sanitiser stations have been placed at both entrances, in each meeting room, kitchen, reception and sitting areas.
Hygiene protocol posters have been placed around the facility to remind members that they must adhere to these measures to keep everyone safe.
Hand sanitiser, face masks and gloves are available for purchase.
Experienced commercial cleaners attend to cleaning the facility several times a week and they have been trained in COVID-safe protocols.
Regular cleaning of the entire facility has been increased, including offices and front foyer.
Soap, hand sanitiser and paper towels are placed at all sinks, tables and all common areas. Please use these regularly.
Members are responsible for cleaning up their own dishes and cutlery.
Cleaning protocol posters for members have been placed around the facility.
Antibacterial wipes have been provided to wipe down all surfaces after use.
Social distancing:
Social distancing is not required at this time however we will closely monitor the Government's regulations in relation to this and update all members if this changes.
Seating in the coworking space and meeting rooms have been adjusted to provide more space for each member.
All non-members are asked to sign a COVID Registry at reception before entering the facility.
Staying home:
We kindly ask our members to stay home if they are feeling unwell or suspect they have been exposed to someone who is ill. They should then get tested for COVID-19 and wait at home until they receive the results. Please advise Workplex staff if you are unwell and have been tested.
Actions to be taken if a Workplex member or staff contracts COVID-19:
In the event that a member of your team becomes infected with COVID-19, it’s crucial that Workplex follows strict protocol to stop the infection spreading to other members.
Please contact Workplex staff via email or telephone immediately to advise of their positive COVID-19 result.
Workplex will then advise all staff and members that there has been a positive result.
Workplex staff or members who have complied with self-isolation after having tested positive for COVID-19 may return to the Workplex facility once they have fully recovered and have met the criteria for clearance from isolation.